You Laugh You Lose 23 Relatable Memes

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and people wonder why our generation grew up sarcastic

9c9f7029 e7c3 4f92 9234 6ec4aad9e528

mother introducing me to people

e55641ec 244e 408c a460 0d8bd50387b0

when someone doesn’t like me or my opinion i’m just like

when someone doesnt like me or my opinion im just 1804150

when people come to my funny posts with those serious comments

when people come to my funny posts with those serious 41222866

wen its a group presentation but you’re getting graded individually

Instagram LMAAOOOO follow cohmedy me for more 379394

when you finally get a text black but all it says is “yea lol”

a8f156617a0be3084bc87c9f4679dcc4 crime gags

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