Expectations vs Reality (Relationship Edition)

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Expectations vs Reality

you lose i guess lol

when yall are dating vs when yall break up sarcasmonly 28200206
Expectations vs Reality

well life goes on i guess

you vs the girl he says dont worry about you 35926865
Expectations vs Reality

22 Breakup Memes that are Painfully Hilarious

when youre dating versus when you broke up and have 9869968
Expectations vs Reality

Never get comfortable

when yall first start dating vs when she gets comfortable 30218369
Expectations vs Reality

You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about, even though both you all ugly af

you vs the guy she tell you not to worry 11593631
Expectations vs Reality

funny relationship memes

when yall first start dating vs when yall been dating 14951835
Expectations vs Reality

this is what happens when you first meet her and what happen after

when you first met vs now if youre not smiling 3195738
Expectations vs Reality

The crazy ones or never single

when you first meet him and wonder why hes single 27394365
Expectations vs Reality

Why am i ok with this

when you first meet her wonder why shes single 3347273
Expectations vs Reality

relationship goals

Expectations vs Reality

breakup memes

Expectations vs Reality

Expectations vs Reality


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